Microfiltered water into your own bottle!


Why should you drink water 

Filtermac is an alternative to bottled water. It is a modern device for microfiltered sparkling and still water. People draw water into their own bottles and they do not buy the unnecessary PET bottles. At the moment about 100 000 people have Filtermac water within their reach.

You save plastics

Drawing water into your own bottle helps Nature. Together we have managed to take 4 million PET bottles off our planet.

Fresh healthy water

Sparkling or still – our water fulfils the strictest criteria of the National Health Institute. The technology is fully certified.

Better taste

Filtermac microfilters and energizes the water and eliminates the bacteria. It purifies the water of chlorine and possible smells.

Very good price

The prices of the tariffs are more than good – for 1 CZK you can get up to 3 litres of water.

3 easy steps towards water

Download the application
Download the application on Google Play or App Store. Register and choose your tariff.
Show the QR code
Log in to the application and scan your QR code in Filtermac.
Draw excellent water
And that’s it! Now you can choose sparkling or still microfiltered water as you wish!

What are the tariffs?

From now on you can draw fresh microfiltered water into your own bottle using the mobile application. Thank you for saving the unnecessary plastics of the PET bottles with us.
125 CZK
per month
Download the app
Ideal to try it out

3 litres a day

In the whole Filtermac network
35 CZK
per month (425 CZK/year)
Download the app
Subscription for a favourable price

3 litres a day

In the whole Filtermac network
Yearly with a bottle
17 CZK
per month (525 CZK/year)
Download the app
Glass bottle Seahorse

3 litres a day

In the whole Filtermac network

Glass bottle (0,5 l) worth 325 CZK
per month
Download the app
3 litres a day

You are lucky! We have found sponsors for some of the Filtermacs. Can you find the one for you?
The sales conform to the General terms and conditions 
and of course we follow the Privacy policy rules.
125 Kč
za měsíc
Ideální na vyzkoušení

3 litry denně

V celé síti Filtermac

Pro nového uživatele 1 týden zdarma navíc (4 + 1)
35 Kč
za měsíc
Předplatné za výhodnou cenu

3 litry denně

V celé síti Filtermac
17 Kč
Skleněná láhev Seahorse

3 litry denně

V celé síti Filtermac

Skleněná láhev (0,5 l) v ceně 525 Kč
0 Kč
3 litry denně

Máš kliku! Na některé Filtermacy jsme sehnali sponzory. Najdeš ten svůj?


And why isn’t the answer to my question here? If that is the case, use the form below and contact us by phone or e-mail. We will answer as soon as possible.

How much water per day can I draw in Filtermac?

The daily limit is 3 litres in all the Filtermac devices.

Can the tariff be used at all the FILTERMAC devices?

Yes, you just scan the QR code and you can draw the water anywhere up to the daily limit of 3 litres. With the sponsored tariffs you can draw the water in one building only.

What kind of container can I draw the water into?

Into any bottle of your own. Ideally it should be a bottle you can reuse many times. Don’t have any? Get inspired HERE.

Where can I find an overview of my drawings?

In the application there is a daily, monthly as well as annual overview of your drawings.

How do the tariffs work?

It is necessary to pay for the tariff by card via the GoPay payment gateway where you will be redirected.

Do you need help? Have you got any questions?

Send us an e-mail to tarify@filtermac.com or call us at +420 725 122 310.

Nemáš svou láhev?

Na našem e-shopu seženeš láhev, která se perfektně hodí k čepování vody z FILTERMACU.
Skleněná láhev Seahorse, 0,5 l

Lehká láhev z odolného borosilikátového skla + proužek dle výběru
Skleněná láhev Aqua, 0,5 l

Lehká láhev z odolného borosilikátového skla se silikonovým přebalem.
Nerez termoláhev Sharky, 0,5 l
Lehká láhev z nerezové oceli v modré barvě.

Podpoř dobrou věc!

Zakoupením tarifu podporuješ rozšíření sítě Filtermac. Děkujeme, že s námi buduješ alternativu k balené vodě. Projektu můžeš pomoci i jinak. Vyfoť svou láhev FILTERMAC na cestách a sdílej hashtagem #jednalahevstaci. A nebo nás jednoduše lajkni na Facebooku a Instagramu. Navíc budeš vědět, co se u nás děje zajímavého.

Chci se stát donátorem

Líbí se tento ekologický projekt? Chceš přispět svět bez PET lahví? Všechny příspěvky využijeme na rozvoj sítě Filtermac.

Číslo účtu:

Send us a message

You don't have to send it in a bottle. Just go through the form or just call us if something is unclear or something is not working. Let us know, we'll be happy to help you.
FILTERMAC s.r.o., Vratislavova 4/27, 128 00, Praha 2
+420 725 122 310

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